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Mixing PHP and html.

I have the following PHP code:

$temp_str .= '

            <table width="300" height="84" border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
        <td width="80" rowspan="4"><img src="img/planets/1sm.jpg" width="80" height="82" /></td>
        <td width="110">System '.$user[location].'</td>
        <td width="110">'.$planets[planet_name].'</td>
        <td colspan="2">This planet is guarded by '.$planets[fighters].' Fighters</td>
        <td colspan="2">Clan ID</td>
        <td>Special Weapon</td>


Simple enough and displays beautifully.

I'm trying to insert the following in the Attack and Special weapon box;


if(($planets['login_id'] == $user['login_id']) ||
               ($planets['clan_id'] == $user['clan_id'] &&
               $planets['clan_id'] != 0) || ($user['login_id'] == ADMIN_ID) ||
               ($planets['fighters'] == 0) || $user['ship_id'] == NULL) {
                $temp_str .= "- <a href=planet.php?planet_id=$planets[planet_id]><img src=\"img/icons/Land.png\" alt=\"Land\" /></a>";
            } else {
                if($flag_planet_attack != 0){
                    $temp_str .= "- <a href=planet.php?planet_id=$planets[planet_id]&attack_planet=1><img src=\"img/icons/Attack.png\" alt=\"Attack\" /></a>";

Special Weapon;

if(ereg("sv",$user_ship['config'])) { //quark disrupter
                        $temp_str .= " - <a href=attack.php?quark=1&planet_num=$planets[planet_id]>Fire Quark Displacer</a>";
                    } elseif(ereg("sw",$user_ship['config']) && $enable_superweapons == 1) { //terra maelstrom
                        $temp_str .= " - <a href=attack.php?terra=1&planet_num=$planets[planet_id]>Fire Terra Maelstrom</a>";
                    if($planets['pass'] != '0') {
                        $temp_str .= " - <a href=planet.php?planet_id=$planets[planet_id]>Have Pass</a>";

But I keep on getting errors unexpected t_string, > everything.

Can someone please tell me what I'm doing wrong here? Your help is much appreciated.

Below is the full code that I'm trying to ... split, I guess:

if(($planets['login_id'] == $user['login_id']) ||
               ($planets['clan_id'] == $user['clan_id'] &&
               $planets['clan_id'] != 0) || ($user['login_id'] == ADMIN_ID) ||
               ($planets['fighters'] == 0) || $user['ship_id'] == NULL) {
                $temp_str .= "- <a href=planet.php?planet_id=$planets[planet_id]><img src=\"img/icons/Land.png\" alt=\"Land\" /></a>";
            } else {
                if($flag_planet_attack != 0){
                    $temp_str .= "- <a href=planet.php?planet_id=$planets[planet_id]&attack_planet=1><img src=\"img/icons/Attack.png\" alt=\"Attack\" /></a>";
                    if(ereg("sv",$user_ship['config'])) { //quark disrupter
                        $temp_str .= " - <a href=attack.php?quark=1&planet_num=$planets[planet_id]>Fire Quark Displacer</a>";
                    } elseif(ereg("sw",$user_ship['config']) && $enable_superweapons == 1) { //terra maelstrom
                        $temp_str .= " - <a href=attack.php?terra=1&planet_num=$planets[planet_id]>Fire Terra Maelstrom</a>";
                    if($planets['pass'] != '0') {
                        $temp_str .= " - <a href=planet.php?planet_id=$planets[planet_id]>Have Pass</a>";
        $planets = dbr(1);
    }//end while

This is what I'm trying to achieve, but it seems that I'm leaving something open.

$temp_str .= '

            <table width="300" height="84" border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
        <td width="80" rowspan="4"><img src="img/planets/1sm.jpg" width="80" height="82" /></td>
        <td width="110">System '.$user[location].'</td>
        <td width="110">'.$planets[planet_name].'</td>
        <td colspan="2">This planet is guarded by '.$planets[fighters].' Fighters</td>
        <td colspan="2">Clan ID</td>
        if(($planets['login_id'] == $user['login_id']) ||
               ($planets['clan_id'] == $user['clan_id'] &&
               $planets['clan_id'] != 0) || ($user['login_id'] == ADMIN_ID) ||
               ($planets['fighters'] == 0) || $user['ship_id'] == NULL) {
                $temp_str .= "- <a href=planet.php?planet_id=$planets[planet_id]><img src=\"img/icons/Land.png\" alt=\"Land\" /></a>";
            } else {
                if($flag_planet_attack != 0){
                    $temp_str .= "- <a href=planet.php?planet_id=$planets[planet_id]&attack_planet=1><img src=\"img/icons/Attack.png\" alt=\"Attack\" /></a></td>
            if(ereg("sv",$user_ship['config'])) { //quark disrupter
                        $temp_str .= " - <a href=attack.php?quark=1&planet_num=$planets[planet_id]>Fire Quark Displacer</a>";
                    } elseif(ereg("sw",$user_ship['config']) && $enable_superweapons == 1) { //terra maelstrom
                        $temp_str .= " - <a href=attack.php?terra=1&planet_num=$planets[planet_id]>Fire Terra Maelstrom</a>";
                    if($planets['pass'] != '0') {
                        $temp_str .= " - <a href=planet.php?planet_id=$planets[planet_id]>Have Pass</a>";
        $planets = dbr(1);
    }//end while


When you mention an array value in a string you need to enclose it inside { and }. Example:

$temp_str .= " - <a href=attack.php?quark=1&planet_num={$planets['planet_id']}>Fire Quark Displacer</a>";


$temp_str .= " - <a href=attack.php?quark=1&planet_num=" . $planets['planet_id'] . ">Fire Quark Displacer</a>";

In your hrefs for your <a> tags you have "planet.php?planet_id=$planets[planet_id]>Have Pass</a>" , is planet_id a variable or a key? Since it's double quoted you could do something like "planet.php?planet_id={$planets['planet_id']}>Have Pass</a>"

No sure how you are 'putting' this in 'a box', but if you want a string to contain the quotes it is encapsulated in, you should escape those quotes, like so:

$string = 'This is a text with quotes. Don\'t forget to escape';

It may be easier to use double quotes. Note that unlike single quoted strings, you can use variables in double quoted strings, so $string = "--- $a ---" will fill in the value of $a in the string.

$string = "Single 'quotes' can be used in double-quote-embedded strings";

If you need to embed large chunks of HTML or JavaScript in your PHP code, you might want to use this:

$string = <<<AnyIdentifier

Any text containing special characters. Note that variables are parsed in 
these strings too.

// Note, closing identifier must occur at the start of the line.


// Code to create weapon HTML goes here. Rename $temp_str to $weaponCode
if($flag_planet_attack != 0){
  $weaponCode .= "- <a href=planet.php?planet_id=$planets[plane

// Code to create attack HTML goes here. Rename $temp_str to $attackCode
$attackCode = '... Generated Attack HTML';

$temp_str = <<<totalHtml
<!-- Note how you can use variables inside this kind of string declaration. -->

// String declaration ends on the line above. Note that that line must not 
// contain leading not trailing spaces.

... $planets[planet_id] ... doesn't work.

it has to be ... {$planets['planet_id']} ...

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