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How to access Checkbox from VBA in Excel 2007

When adding a checkbox, how do you access the value from VBA?

  • In Excel 2007, on the Developer Ribbon
  • Insert, Form Controls, Checkbox
  • Renamed Checkbox to chkMyCheck
  • Added Macro to checkbox, I now have Module1 with chkMyCheck_Clicked

All of the following fail


Sheet1.Shapes("chkMyCheck") appears to find the object, but does not expose any properties that look likely for returning the checked state.

Figured it out

If Sheet1.Shapes("chkMyCheck").ControlFormat.Value = xlOn Then

One way:

Dim oCheck As Object
Set oCheck = Sheet1.CheckBoxes("chkMyCheck")
MsgBox (oCheck.Value = xlOn)

Edit: here's another method - maybe this one will work for you...

Sub Tester2()
    Dim sh As Shape
    For Each sh In Sheet1.Shapes
        If sh.Type = msoFormControl Then
            If sh.FormControlType = xlCheckBox Then
                 Debug.Print sh.Name & "=" & sh.ControlFormat.Value
            End If
        End If
    Next sh
End Sub

For completeness, if you're using an ActiveX checkbox instead of a regular checkbox, the syntax is

If Sheet1.Shapes("chkMyCheck").OLEFormat.Object.Object.Value Then 

found using the Locals window and a variable set to the shape -

Dim shp as Shape
Set shp = Sheet1.Shapes("chkMyCheck")

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