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javascript: how do I set the width of an image after it loads?

So, I'm using facebox to display images neatly, and I wrote a function to help with handeling the size of really big images: (fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/LPF85/ )

function open_img_in_face_box(id, width){
    max_width = $j(document).width();
    max_height = $j(document).height();
    padding = 50;

    max_width = max_width - (2 * padding);
    max_height = max_height - (2 * padding);

    passed_width = width || max_width;

    var img = $j('#' + id); 
    dom_img = document.getElementById(id); 

    // display 
    jQuery.facebox({ image: img.attr('src') });

    // center and adjust size
    var aspect_ratio = img.width() / img.height();
    var img_width = passed_width;
    var img_height = passed_width / aspect_ratio;

    window_center_y = max_height / 2;
    window_center_x = max_width / 2;

    offset_y = window_center_y - (img_height / 2);
    offset_x = window_center_x - (img_width / 2);

    var fbx = $j('#facebox');
    fbx.css('left', offset_x + 'px !important');
    fbx.css('top', offset_y + 'px !important')

    $j("#facebox .image img").load(function(){

but the problem is that the image remains full size, and never gets changed to 500 (the current value I'm using for img_width).

How do I change the width of the image after it loads, but quickly enough so no one notices?

I've tested this in Chrome, and Safari with this html:

<img id="facebox_img" onclick="open_img_in_face_box('facebox_img', 500)" src="/medias/50/original.jpg" width="300" />

Try this

$j("#facebox .image img").each(function(){
    }).attr("src", $j(this).attr("src"));

Here you go:


$j("#facebox .image img").load(function(){


 $j(document).bind('reveal.facebox', function() { 
    $j("#facebox .image img").width(width);

This new code listens to the reveal event and sets the width accordingly once all the elements are in place.

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