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Async-feature in grails 2.0.0.M1

i am trying out the async-feature in grails. According to http://grails.org/doc/2.0.0.M1/guide/introduction.html#webFeatures it is now possible to use the servlet 3.0 async-feature in grails. So i tried the following code (copied from the doc):

def index() {
    def ctx = startAsync()
    ctx.start {
        render "hello"

just to see if it works, sadly it does not work :/. A groovy.lang.MissingMethodException is thrown. Message: No signature of method: grailsasync.ProductController.startAsync() is applicable for argument types: () values: []. While compiling i get no errors, only while executing.

So i ask myself what did i do wrong? Maybe someone has tried out the new Milestone of grails and can help me with that.

gz Aleks

Your code looks fine. Assuming you've already confirmed that you're running this on a container that supports v 3.0 of the Servlet specification, I'd create an issue about this in the Grails JIRA

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