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How do I know if the text of a UITextField has been modified by user

I work on a project for iPhone iOS 4 and Xcode 4.

There is a method to know if the text of a UITextField ha been modified by the user?

For example,I have 2 UITextField, textFieldA and textFieldB, and suppose that textField contains some text as "abc".

The user first tap in textFieldA (keyboard opens), and then in textFieldB. How can I know if the text in textFieldA has been modified by the user?

Thank you.

How about: First subscribe to the text field delegate in your header file with:

Then somewhere in your implementation file (.m), you can add: myTextField.delegate = self;

Now you can access the delegate methods for text fields. This means you can now use:

    -(void)textFieldDidBeginEditing:(UITextField *)textField

and -(void)textFieldDidEndEditing:(UITextField *)textField

Why not store the value of your text field in textFieldDidBeginEditing and compare it to it's value in textFieldDidEndEditing? `

Better to have the text field send a UIControlEventValueChanged action message to your controller. This way you don't need to wonder if the user actually edited the text field. You can either wire the target/action in IB or do it programmatically:

[myTextField addTarget:self 

Then implement the appropriate action in the target:

- (IBAction)textFieldValueChanged:(UITextField *)sender {
    // text field value was changed

This is discussed in more detail for this question


You will have to implement the uitextfielddelegate protocol. Check the documentation for more details.

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