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Extjs grid with multiselect feature to retrieve value of selected lists

Let's say I have a grid with multiselect option on, when user selects 4 lists and wants to get the values ( alerted on screen) how would I do that? And how would I disable buttons untill at least one list is selected?

All questions you've asked are answered many times already. Also there are good ExtJS examples on sencha.com. For example list view grid shows multiple select and editable grid with writable store shows button enable on click. But THE MOST important is documentation . Let me explain functionality on following code. Most of it is from list view example.

This grid gets JSON from list.php which has following structure


And the grid:

    // Here i've definned simple model with just one field
    Ext.define('ImageModel', {
        extend: 'Ext.data.Model',
        fields: ['surname']
    var store = Ext.create('Ext.data.JsonStore', {
        model: 'ImageModel',
        proxy: {
            type: 'ajax',
            url: 'list.php',
            reader: {
                type: 'json',
                root: 'authors'

    var listView = Ext.create('Ext.grid.Panel', {
        id: 'myPanel', // Notice unique ID of panel
        renderTo: Ext.getBody(),

        store: store,
        multiSelect: true,
        viewConfig: {
            emptyText: 'No authors to display'

        columns: [{
            text: 'File',
            flex: 50,
            // dataIndex means which field from model to load in column
            dataIndex: 'surname' 
    dockedItems: [{
        xtype: 'toolbar',
        items: [{
            // This button will log to console authors surname who are selected
            // (show via firebug or in chrome js console for example)
            text: 'Show selected',
            handler: function() {
                // Notice that i'm using getCmp(unique Id of my panel) 
                // to get panel regerence. I could also use 
                // this.up('toolbar').up('myPanel')
                // see documentation for up() meaning
                var selection = Ext.getCmp('myPanel').getSelectionModel().getSelection();
                for (var i=0; i < selection.length; i++) {
            text: 'Disabled btn',
            id: 'myHiddenBtn', // Notice unique ID of my button
            disabled: true // disabled by default

    // Here i'm waiting for event which is fired
    // by grid panel automatically when you click on 
    // any item of grid panel. Then I lookup
    // my button via unique ID and set 'disabled' property to false
    listView.on('itemclick', function(view, nodes){

I didn't knew how to do this from top of my head, but I used documentation and the result works;-). See Grid panel docs for more information.

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