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php DomXPath - how to get image in current node only and not in child nodes?

i need to get only image that in current node and not in child nodes
i want to get only green/yellow/red/black images without not_important.gif image
i can use query './/table/tr/td/img'
but i need it inside loop

                    <td colspan="2">
                            <img src="not_important.gif" />
                        <img src="green.gif" />
                        <img src="yellow.gif" />
                        <img src="red.gif" />
                            <img src="not_important.gif" />
                        <img src="black.gif" />
        $dom = new DOMDocument();
        $xpath = new DomXPath($dom);
        $query = $xpath->query('.//table/tr/td');
        for( $x=0,$results=''; $x<$query->length; $x++ )

            $image = $query->item($x)->getELementsByTagName('img')->item(0)->getAttribute('src');

            $results .= "image $x1 is : $image<br/>";
        echo $results;

can i do it through $query->item()->
i tried has_attributes and getElementsByTagNameNS and getElementById
but i failed::


$image = $query->item($x)->getELementsByTagName('img')->item(0)->getAttribute('src');


$td = $query->item($x); // grab the td element
$img = $xpath->query('./img',$td)->item(0); // grab the first direct img child element
$image = $img->getAttribute('src'); // grab the source of the image

In other words, use the XPath object again to query, but now for ./img , relative to the context node you provide as the second argument to query() . The context node being one of the elements ( td ) of the earlier result.

The query //table/tr/td/img should work just fine as the unwanted images all reside in <span> elements.

Your loop would look like

$images = $xpath->query('//table/tr/td/img');
$results = '';
for ($i = 0; $i < $images->length; $i++) {
    $results .= sprintf('image %d is: %s<br />',
                        $i + 1,

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