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Integrating standalone php application in Facebook

I have created a small application, basically a quiz application ( I am about to launch that in a free web hosting website). I want to integrate that with Facebook. But there are mainly 2 issues.

  1. I want the application to be used only by FB users who are member of a particular group (Its a closed group) which i created.

  2. As soon as the quiz is over, the final score should be posted in the group wall.

PS: By integrate i mean, They can only begin the test when they signup using Facebook. Any other ideas are welcomed.

Everything you need to do with facebook (including, but not limited to, the exact requirements you have explained)can be achieved using Facebook Connect API. It is very comprehensive and I can't explain how you would do the whole thing in this answer. This is a good place to start:


There are quite a few things you'll need to do. Assuming you're using the FB JS SDK, you'll need to use the following...

  • Request the publish_stream and user_groups extended permissions via FB.login
  • Post to the group wall via FB.api, eg... FB.api('/GROUP_ID/feed', 'post', { message: 'yay someone completed the quiz' }, function(response) { alert(response); });

Partial example using FB JS SDK (group checking unimplemented)...

<a onclick="postToGroupWall()">Post msg to group wall</a>


window.fbAsyncInit = function()
        appId  : 'APP_ID',
        status : true, // check login status
        cookie : true, // enable cookies to allow the server to access the session
        xfbml  : true , // parse XFBML
        oauth : true // Enable oauth authentication

        if (response.authResponse)
            alert('Logged in!');

            // Check if user is in group using opengraph call (/me/groups) via FB.api

            // Do that here...
            alert('Not logged in - do something');
    }, { scope : 'publish_stream,user_groups' });

window.postToGroupWall = function()
    var opts = {
        message : 'Yay I just completed the quiz',
        name : '',
        link : 'http://www....',
        description : 'Description here',
        picture : 'http://domain.com/pic.jpg'

    FB.api('/GROUP_ID/feed', 'post', opts, function(response)
        if (!response || response.error)
            alert('Posting error occured');
            alert('Success - Post ID: ' + response.id);


<!-- FACEBOOK -->        
<div id="fb-root"></div>
(function() {
  var e = document.createElement('script');
  // replacing with an older version until FB fixes the cancel-login bug
  e.src = document.location.protocol + '//connect.facebook.net/en_US/all.js';
  //e.src = 'scripts/all.js';
  e.async = true;

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