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Printf Problem with While Loop

I'm creating a temperature converter in C. Basically, you input a minimum and maximum value in degrees Celsius, along with a step, and it displays that information in a list, along with the Fahrenheit equivalent. On some occasions, I have noticed the last Fahrenheit entry not being displayed when it should. For example, when you input a lower limit of 10, a higher limit of 30, and a step of 4, it cuts off the last Fahrenheit temperature. I know it's something to do with the last while loop, but I just can't figure it out.

#include <stdio.h>

int main (int argc, const char * argv[]) {
double l, h, s;
double lf, hf, sf;
/* Number rows in tables */
int num1, num2;
num1 = 1;
num2 = 1;

/* Lower limit input */
printf("Please give a lower limit: ");
scanf("%4lf", &l);
while (l < 0) {
        printf("Lower limit must be greater than 0: ");
        scanf("%4lf", &l);

/* Stores value for Fahrenheit conversion */
lf = l;

/* Higher limit input */
printf("Please give a higher limit: ");
scanf("%4lf", &h);
while (h <= l) {
        printf("Higher limit must be greater than lower limit: ");
        scanf("%4lf", &h);

while (h >= 50000) {
        printf("Higher limit must be less than 50000: ");
        scanf("%4lf", &h);

hf = h;

/* Step input */
printf("Please input step: ");
scanf("%4lf", &s);
while (s <= 0) {
        printf("Step must be greater than 0: ");
        scanf("%4lf", &s);

while (s >= h - l) {
        printf("Step must be less than the difference in temperatures: ");
        scanf("%4lf", &s);

sf = s;

/* Celsius table */
while (l <= h) {
    printf("%i. %4lf\n", num1, l);
    l = l + s;

/* Fahrenheit table */
/* Converts Celsius to Fahrenheit */
lf = (lf * 1.8) + 32;
hf = (hf * 1.8) + 32;
sf = sf * 1.8;
printf("Lower input: %4lf\n", lf);
printf("Higher input: %4lf\n", hf);
printf("Step: %4lf\n----------\n", sf);
/* This while loop sometimes cuts off the last entry */
while (lf <= hf) {
    printf("%i. %4lf\n", num2, lf);
    lf = lf + sf;

return 0;


The problem is with comparing the doubles, you might get into a situation where something like 10 + 1.8 evaluates to 11.800000001 and thus missing the end value.

The solution to your problem would be to first calculate the number of steps:

int steps = (h - l) / s + 1; //Might want to apply rounding

And then use a for/while loop over the integer variable instead:

for (int i = 0; i < steps; ++i) {
    double t = l + (h - l) * i / (steps - 1);

for (int i = 0; i < steps; ++i) {
    double tf = lf + (hf - lf) * i / (steps - 1);
while (lf <= hf) 

You are comparing Double values, You will face problems of Precison & Rounding Errors , Most likely that causes the last iteration to not execute at all.

This answer of mine, should be a good read.

Choose a precision and compare it with the difference between hf and lf(abs value). Also keep in mind with a random fixed step you will not always reach the top value of the interval. it might work if step divides hl but it won't work otherwise.

Directly after your last while loop, add the following code (and don't forget to #include assert.h):

printf("lf = %f, hf = %f\n", lf, hf);
assert(lf == hf);

you should get this output:

1. 10.000000
2. 14.000000
3. 18.000000
4. 22.000000
5. 26.000000
6. 30.000000

Lower input: 50.000000
Higher input: 86.000000
Step: 7.200000
1. 50.000000
2. 57.200000
3. 64.400000
4. 71.600000
5. 78.800000
lf = 86.000000, hf = 86.000000
Assertion failed: lf == hf, file randomdudescode.c, line 77

Which is incredibly confusing, because obviously lf == hf. This illustrates one of the quirks of C and floating point tomfoolery in general. You have to deal with rounding errors and imprecision.

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