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nhibernate manytomany query

I am new to nhibernate and trying to create a query on a database with manytomany links between items and categories.

I have a database with 3 tables : items, categories and a lookup table categoryitem like this:

  • categorys - primary key categoryId

  • items - primary key itemId

  • categoryItem - categoryId column and itemId column

I want a query returning items for a particular category and have tried this and think i am along the right lines:

public IList<Item> GetItemsForCategory(Category category)

//detached criteria

DetachedCriteria itemIdsCriteria = DetachedCriteria.For(typeof(Category))     
                .Add(Restrictions.Eq("Category.Id", category.Id)); 

                 criteria.Add(Subqueries.PropertyIn("Id", itemIdsCriteria));

            return criteria.List<Item>() as List<Item>;


I only have business objects for category and item. how do i create a repository method to find items for a particular category?

I assume that your classes look like this:

class Item
  // id and stuff
  IList<Category> Categories { get; private set; }

class Category
  // id and stuff

query (HQL)

session.CreateQuery(@"select i
from Item i
  inner join i.Categories c
  c = :category")
.SetEntity("category", category)


  .CreateCriteria("Categories", "c")
  .Add(Restrictions.Eq("c.Id", category.Id))

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