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Printing dynamic content with page breaks in asp.net

In my asp.net project I need to print a page with some dynamic content.I followed this article http://www.dotnetcurry.com/ShowArticle.aspx?ID=92 to achieve that and it works fine as long as the content I need to print fits in one page.

But in case of lengthy content, when I click on print button I see a print preview with all the content that needs to be printed and when printed it just prints the content that fits into one page.So I think when I call 'window.print()' it just prints whatever that can fit into a page and does not check if there is anymore content left to print on another page.And I am not sure how do I set the page breaks to get the entire content printed,as it is dynamic content.

Could someone please help me with this?



Here is some sample HTML rendered.

<table class="Main">
<td class=”left bold”>
Some text
<span id="Label">Label</span>
<table class= “productslist”>
<tr class=”productTextAlign”>  ......</tr>
<tr class=”additionalOptions”> ..... </tr>
<tr class=”additionalOptions”>.....</tr>

<tr class=”additionalOptions”>.....</tr>

<tr class=”additionalOptions”>.....</tr>

<tr class=”additionalOptions”>.....</tr>

<tr class=”productTextAlign”></tr>

<tr class=”additionalOptions”>.....</tr>

<tr class=”additionalOptions”>.....</tr>

<tr class=”additionalOptions”>.....</tr>

<tr class=”additionalOptions”>.....</tr>


the table with class is 'Main' is a html table and inside that there is another table with class 'productslist' which is actually a repeater. I am trying to apply the 'page break before' to this repeater using


which doesnt to work in FF6.0 and it seems to work fine in IE8.

You could use an Active X control for this:


Alternatively you could take a CSS approach:



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