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Javascript not working on localhost, but it is working on Live site

I am facing JavaScript problems on XAMPP Localhost. The Collapse Buttons, go to top button and jQuery news feed are not working on every site on my localhost.

But Facebook, Twitter, Plusone buttons load correctly from remote server ie from the respective Social Sites.

So, I think it narrows me to the point that the JavaScript files hosted locally are not executed while those from Facebook etc. are getting executed.

I tried reinstalling XAMPP but didn't work.

I know this is old but, I had the same problem and found this question while searching a solution. But I have lampp installed on ubuntu and since Linux asks permission to execute ANYTHING, the local js files which resided in htdocs were without permission. After:

sudo chmod 777 -R /opt/lampp/htdocs   

... everything was OK. Hope this helps future wanabee web developers.

I know this post is old and the answer is already given, I just wanted to give an answer of a possible reason that I encountered in case someone else finds this and it does not help.

Make sure your entire html code gets executed by viewing your page source. With me, half my code was not being executed due to a PHP error that was working on localhost with the local database but not on live with the live database. This caused the HTML to cut of from that point above my javascript.

So check your page source. If it is being cut of somewhere, find out why :)

It should not matter whether your files are local or not...javascript should still get executed. Try using some debugging tool like to see if you get any errors that only occur on your local machine. Because it could be that you are running some code that is depending on a domain or whatever.

I had the same problem. I try a lot but finally solved. The main problem was my browser cache that prevents from loading the new JavaScript file. My recommendation is that clear your browser cache data then close the browser and reopen your site again it will work perfectly.

remove any (pre in post ) blank spaces from filenames of your namespace example : localhost:port/dir /index.html

In similar cases, If web project site runs JS on Live Server but not on locally opened index.html, try to check validity of HTML File Paths,

eg you may have written:

<script src="script.js"></script>

instead of:

<script src="./script.js"></script>

Try to add ./ before file name.

./ means Current directory.

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