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RestMVC.js(Mongoose) & Node.JS - External model files

I am using RestMVC.js module that uses Mongoose in turn for model declaration. Let's say I have a few files with model declarations, and a few of them use those classes for member variable ala:

// Foo.js file
module.exports.Foo = function(mongoose)
  var Schema = mongoose.Schema;

  var Foo = mongoose.model('Foo', new Schema({
   TestMember: String,
   SecondTestMember: Date

  return mongoose.model('Foo');

// Bar.js file
module.exports.Bar = function(mongoose)
   var Schema = mongoose.Schema;

   var Bar = mongoose.model('Bar', new Schema({
   DerivedMember: Foo,
   Blah: String

  return mongoose.model('Bar');

What is the correct approach to reference one model from the other? I attempted to do require('models/Foo.js') and exports.Foo as well as mongoose.exports.Foo to no avail.

Best approach is

var ASchema = new Schema({
        BObj: {type: ObjectID, ref: 'B'},
        Amount: Number,
        Timestamp: Date



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