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How to start the automatically stopped android service?

I have written a service, it runs at start up, but suddenly due to some run time errors the service is stopping. How can I re run the automatically stopped service (because of run time exception).

there is a


method in service which you can use to stop a service from inside.


i guess i need some rest.

well if you want to find if a service is stopping due to some runtimeexecption

can you try

    private Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler onRuntimeError= new Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler() {
        public void uncaughtException(Thread thread, Throwable ex) {
            //Try starting the service again
                    //May be a pending intent might work

in your on create

    protected void onCreate() { 

Maybe you could get a second service that monitors the first service, and restarts it if its stops responding. I think that is basically what the watchdog in Android does for the system-services.

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