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Undefined Index Error Reporting in WAMP and PHP

I'm using wamp to develop a php application. My problem is that everytime I call a variable that sometimes happens to not have a value, I get an error that says it's an undefined index. Is there a way to change the error reporting to not display this error? I have to use isset to determine if it's set or not before I output the variable, but I don't want to have to do this. There are areas of my application that make this method inefficient.

If you don't want to change error_reporting level you should check, is variable exists, before using it. You may use


for it. You may add some function, to not write it always. Example:

 function getPost($name,$default=null){
     return isset($_POST[$name])?$_POST[$name]:$default;


getPost('name','Not Logged In');

You can just turn off the mechanism in php.ini.

This thread would help you.


But it generally its better to take care of undefined variables as they might save you some run time trouble.


In php.ini change

error_reporting = E_ALL to error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE

Try this:

if(!isset($var)) $var="";

PHP.ini files reside in both :




be sure to make the changes in the apache folder version .

Also setting :

display_errors = Off

display_startup_errors = Off

error_reporting = E_ALL

log_errors = On

leaves errors from being displayed on the client, but still allows them to be logged in the error log.

There are multiple ways to get around this:
error_reporting(0) Use this at the top of your script
set display_errors = Off in php.ini
Use '@' before the statement that generates an error

But unless you are writing something trivial you absolutely must use array_key_exists or if(!empty($arrayName['key'])) for everything sent by the user.

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