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CRM 2011: Set datetime field from string with javascript

I'm trying to create a new record where one of the fields is a DataTime field.

I always get the "The date-time format for Thu Sep 01 19:25:20 2011 is invalid, or value is outside the supported range." error.

I've tried multiple format options. With Date.parse, Date.parseExact, ... Here 's my last attempt:

//date input format = 2011-02-15 11:05:22

    var year = register_date.substring(0, 4);
    var month = register_date.substring(5, 7);
    var day = register_date.substring(8, 10);
    var hours = register_date.substring(11, 13);
    var minutes = register_date.substring(14, 16);
    var seconds = register_date.substring(17, 19);

    var datetime = Date(Date.UTC(year, month, day, hours, minutes,seconds)); 

    //var datetime = Date.parseExact(register_date, "yyyy-mm-dd HH:mm:ss");

    regFields[4] = new CRMField("ave_subscriptiondate", datetime);

Include the code below and you can just do:


This code was found in this useful CRM 2011 JS library

// Formats the date to CRM format
Date.prototype.toCRMFormat = function()
    var d = this;
    var f = d.Format("yyyy-mm-ddThh:MM:ss+" + (-d.getTimezoneOffset()/60) + ":00");

    return f;

// Formats the date into a certain format
Date.prototype.Format = function(format)
   var d = this;
   var f = "";

try {
    f = f + format.replace( /dd|mm|yyyy|MM|hh|ss|ms|APM|\s|\/|\-|,|\./ig , 
    function match()
     case "dd": 
        var dd = d.getDate();
        return (dd < 10)? "0" + dd : dd;
     case "mm":
        var mm = d.getMonth() + 1;
        return (mm < 10)? "0" + mm : mm; 
     case "yyyy": return d.getFullYear();
     case "hh": 
        var hh = d.getHours();
        return (hh < 10)? "0" + hh : hh;
     case "MM": 
        var MM = d.getMinutes(); 
        return (MM < 10)? "0" + MM : MM;
     case "ss": 
        var ss = d.getSeconds(); 
        return (ss < 10)? "0" + ss : ss;
     case "ms": return d.getMilliseconds();
     case "APM": 
        var apm = d.getHours(); 
        return (apm < 12)? "AM" : "PM";
     default: return arguments[0];

   return f;

Or if you want them as regular functions instead of extensions on Date such as dateToCRMFormat(datetime)

// Formats the date to CRM format
function dateToCRMFormat (date)
    return dateFormat(date, "yyyy-mm-ddThh:MM:ss+" + (-date.getTimezoneOffset()/60) + ":00");

// Formats the date into a certain format
function dateFormat (date, format)
   var f = "";

try {
    f = f + format.replace( /dd|mm|yyyy|MM|hh|ss|ms|APM|\s|\/|\-|,|\./ig , 
    function match()
     case "dd": 
        var dd = date.getDate();
        return (dd < 10)? "0" + dd : dd;
     case "mm":
        var mm = date.getMonth() + 1;
        return (mm < 10)? "0" + mm : mm; 
     case "yyyy": return date.getFullYear();
     case "hh": 
        var hh = date.getHours();
        return (hh < 10)? "0" + hh : hh;
     case "MM": 
        var MM = date.getMinutes(); 
        return (MM < 10)? "0" + MM : MM;
     case "ss": 
        var ss = date.getSeconds(); 
        return (ss < 10)? "0" + ss : ss;
     case "ms": return date.getMilliseconds();
     case "APM": 
        var apm = date.getHours(); 
        return (apm < 12)? "AM" : "PM";
     default: return arguments[0];

   return f;

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