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How to download/clone a new branch from my server git repository into an already created local git repository in my PC with Eclipse EGit

This is driving me crazy.

I created a git repository in a Linux server hosted by my hosting company.

I cloned it to a local copy using Eclipse EGit.

I then created a branch in the original git repository in the server.

How do I copy the branch to my local copy using Eclipse EGit?

When I open Git Repositories inside EGit I see:

- Local
-- master

- Remote Tracking
-- origin/development
-- origin/master

How can I get the origin/development in my local using EGit?

I know I could create a new clone, but I don't want to do that as I believe there must be a way to get only the new branch.

Second question - where is the pull command inside EGit? I was able to find the fetch command, but when I run it it says that there is nothing to fetch. The RefSpec is:


Third question - is there a way to process git commands from a command line inside Eclipse in my Windows system? I thought about trying to do a pull from a command line, but I can't find it in my local system.

Thank you.

I've also been searching around some hours to find out how to get a remote branch in Eclipse EGit...

The solution is stated in this Bugreport . And it is really easy if you know how to do it - no need for using the command line version of git, which - even though it works in 99% of all cases - can be risky as I already had problems that it interfered with Eclipse and EGit.

Just follow these steps:

  1. First make sure you have opened the EGit Repository view . If you haven't opened it already, go to "Window → Show View → Other..." and from there select "Git → Git Repositories".
  2. In the Repository view choose "Branches → Remote Tracking". You should see your remote branches there already (example: origin/new_feature ).
  3. Right click on the remote branch you wish to have with your local branches. Choose "Create Branch..."
  4. The default values should be OK. Normally you should not change anything here. Please note that you should not change the "Pull strategy" to something else than "Merge" if you don't know what you are doing. Otherwise pulling upstream changes might result in a loss of data.
  5. Click on OK " Finish " and you are done :)

Your fetch is up to date because you already have everything copied to your local repository. A pull will merge origin/development into master, which isn't what you want. You want to create a new branch with origin/development as the starting point. I don't know how to do it with egit, but on the command line, you do:

git checkout -b development origin/development

I have been facing the same problem, and here is how I solved it:

  1. Open Git Perspective

  2. First you must have the branch that you want to check out, in your repository under Remote Tracking . My problem was that I couldn't see the remote branch here, so in order to solve this - execute a Pull on the repository, and this command should get you all the branches under Remote Tracking

  3. right click the (remote) Branch, Check Out, Check out as new local branch

要在 sts 中获取其他分支,如果 pull 不起作用,请尝试此 Team >> Remote>> Cofigure fetch from upstream stream>Advanced> 在源引用中检查您想要的分支:> 然后添加规范

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