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Twitter bootstrap CSS + jQuery

I just discover twitter-boostrap


and I'm wondering if there is a jquery library to use with it.

For popovers, modals, tool tips, alerts messages, tabs...

or for example, use this as jquery-ui theme!

anyone know ?

There is Jquery UI Bootstrap: https://github.com/jquery-ui-bootstrap/jquery-ui-bootstrap

It's a Bootstrap port on jQuery UI.

I know the guys behind Twitter's CSS Bootstrap is working on a complete set of jQuery plugins to supprt the framework (pils, tabs etc.)

They are to be released soon but you can already find them here, in the beta 1.3 release https://github.com/twitter/bootstrap/tree/1.3-wip

Look in the docs folder and you'll find the javascript.

Good luck!

Update Version 2.0 of Twitter Bootstrap have been released with a lot more features and js examples. Twitter Bootstrap 2.0

Twitter provides Using Javascript with Bootstrap instructions at http://twitter.github.com/bootstrap/#javascript .

Detailed documentation can be found at http://twitter.github.com/bootstrap/javascript.html .

I believe this is a non-issue with Bootstrap 2.0. They offer bootstrap-styled versions of the most popular jQuery plugins, including everything in the OP.

There is also the bootstrap theme for jQuery UI project mentioned by others, which doesn't make sense to me with Bootstrap 2.0. Does not make sense to keep using jQuery UI if you are going the bootstrap route.

Also, FYI, many of the "independent" type jQuery plugins are able to be used easily with Bootstrap. I use the Chosen multi-select control and some of the various tag plugins with a bootstrap site, and it works just fine. I combine the CSS into one file, re-style them to look like bootstrap, and all good.


Why don't you go over to their tutorial here ,
right click on the modal box and select inspect element ,
copy the whole div where it says

<div class="modal" ....

and pop in their css?? That'll give enough to start with modals..
If you want twipsies and other interesting stuff working, you may want to download and check the javascript application.js that comes with that page too :)

If you mean't to change the colors wherever, you should find all the color settings in preboot.less inside the /lib folder...
Few colors like textbox/textarea borders, are however hardcoded in files like forms.less ,
if you want help modifying them, you could ask again...

Ryan Bates在这里有一个很好的教程http://railscasts.com/episodes/328-twitter-bootstrap-basics这是基于rails的,但我不管编程语言我认为它会给你一个很好的概述twitstrap!

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