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Is there a big difference between coding for Mobile apps vs Web apps

I am on the cusp of recieving a new project that involves creating a mobile app for android tablets. Is there a large difference in coding for web apps vs mobile apps. And is there any good links I can go to read up on it more? This will be in .Net by the way

Well, obviously both involve coding, so they are quite similar at this level.

But the restrictions that apply to you are quite different.

  • on a sever application, the size of the libraries you use don't usually make a difference, while the installation size of a mobile app is a definite issue
  • memory and processing power are usually are less of an issue on the server, as compared to a mobile device
  • each mobile platform usually has it's own UI framework with quite unique concepts (at least each interesting platform does it its own way)
  • the APIs are quite different (it's rare to have the same API for server applications and mobile applications)

So yes, there is quite a difference between writing a web-application and writing a native smartphone application.

Fundamentally coding is coding, but as with anything you are going to be using a different language with android and a different architecture for setting things up. I would suggest reading through the developer documents at developer.android.com and depending on how well you know java maybe do some studying on the basics of java development. www.thenewboston.com helped me a ton when I was first starting to program.

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