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RVM multi-user install using gemset in home directories

I'm currently trying to do a multi-user installation of RVM. The reason for this is that I'm creating a common linux ruby image to be used by multiple future projects and I don't know what user accounts will be using RVM. At the same time I'd like to allow the users to then to use gemsets without needing to rvmsudo/sudo.

The result I'm sort of hoping for (or an equivalent) is that users wont be able to install new rubies without sudo ability but they will be able to manage gems that live in their home directory with the convenience of 'rvm gemsets'.

Is this possible/ am I missing some config option? Is there a better solution?

RVM allows mixed mode, basically you can install rubies in system and use user gemsets.

  1. Start with multi user installation.
  2. Select manager user and add him to rvm group - he will be responsible to install new rubies.
  3. For every user write rvm user gemsets - from this moment any gemset created by this user will be hosted in his HOME not in system.

我不认为这是rvm固有的特性,但是在允许处理'install'命令之前,只需对rvm本身进行一点操作即可检查特定的用户或组,就可以轻松地完成所需的操作因为rvm已经支持“默认” gemset,然后支持每个用户的$ HOME中的gemset。

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