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a/b testing without javascript based integration

I would like to do a/b testing for my website, but I don't want to use javascript based solution such as google weboptimizer because it would affect page load times. Are there any server side frameworks to assist in a/b testing? I can always write conditional code for creating scenarios as a quick fix, but I am not sure how to measure the variance in google analytics. So, is there a/b testing tool which is server based and integrates with google analytics?

Update: I am using java as server side language along with jsf, deployed in jboss.

Really depends on your platform and stack.

You don't necessarily need to measure the variance in Google Analytics, since these frameworks come with their own measurement tools.

Here are a few:

  • Ruby on Rails: A/Bingo is a popular choice, as is Vanity
  • Google App Engine (Python): GAE Bingo , a fork of A/Bingo
  • PHP: PHP AB , which integrates with Google Analytics.

May I suggest you also give Optimizely a look. It is JavaScript based, but it makes its modifications in-page at DOM ready, so no redirects are required. It's easy, powerful, and fast. Of all of the testing tools I've dabbled in -- and I've dabbled in a few -- it is far and away the best choice.

I wrote simple python lib for A/B testing SimpleAB . It might be helpful to find some base principles to organize you data and flows for testing on server side (Note: it's not GA related).

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