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Can we add a <span> inside H1 tag?

Is it a proper method to use span tag inside H1 tag?

 <h1> <span class="boardit">Portfolio</span> </h1> 

I know we can write it in this way...and am also following the below syntax in my own website..

 <h1 class="boardit"> <span>Portfolio</span> </h1> 

However, I Just wanted to know the cleaner form of html..

Yes you can.

HTML4 has this to say :

<!ENTITY % heading "H1|H2|H3|H4|H5|H6">
  There are six levels of headings from H1 (the most important)
  to H6 (the least important).

<!ELEMENT (%heading;)  - - (%inline;)* -- heading -->

And %inline; is:

<!ENTITY % inline "#PCDATA | %fontstyle; | %phrase; | %special; | %formctrl;">

And %special; includes <span> .

The current HTML has this to say :

Content contents
Phrasing content

And Phrasing content includes <span> .

Yes you can. It can be used to format a part of a h1 block:

<h1>Page <span class="highlight">Title</span></h1>

If the style applies to the entire h1 block, I do this:

<h1 class="highlight">Page Title</h1>

Yes, it's typically fine to use a span inside of an h1 . span is an inline element, so it's typically okay to use it inside anything (that allows elements inside it!)

And there's not really a cleaner way to do it sometimes, say if you want to style only part of the h1 .

On the other hand... don't do it if it's not necessary, as it is a little ugly : )

Yes that's fine, but why not

   <h1 class="boardit">

If thats all you're doing?

Yes, you can. The span displays inline, so it should not affect the styling of the H1.

Yes, we can use span tag with header tags and there is nothing wrong in it. Indeed this is widely used for styling header tags, specially for coloring a particular word or letter.

Yes, we can use span tag with header tags and there is nothing wrong in it. Indeed this is widely used for styling header tags, specially for coloring a particular word or letter.

<h1 style="display:inline;">Bold text goes here</h1> 
<span style="display:inline;">normal text goes here</span>

Think in above lines - Worked for me - use display:inline prop

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