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Workaround for passing parameter to jQuery ready()

I have some code called on jQuery document.ready() which is used in multiple HTML files. Now the difference is each of these HTMLs uses a different div id. I know one option is to just check for hardcode div ids inside $(document).ready() . But I wanted to write a generic code which would take the div Ids based on the currrent/calling HTML page?

So is there any way or workaround for passing parameter to jQuery ready() ?

$(document).ready() just wants a function as an argument so you can write a function that takes your ID as an argument and returns a function for $(document).ready() . For example, instead of this:

$(document).ready(function() {

you could do this:

function make_ready(id) {
    return function() {
        $('#' + id).click(/*...*/);


Then you could put your make_ready in some common location and use it to build the functions for your $(document).ready() calls.

document ready just takes in an handler function as a parameter. You can still define a generic code in you document ready function, by storing the current div id for each html.

<input type="hidden" id="current_div" value="div1" />

$(document).ready(function() {  
    var div_id = $('#current_div').val();  
    // generic code  

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