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.load() does not work on IE

I am trying to have a little dynamics work in this website http://peps.sqps.nl Everything seems to work well untill I test the website in IE, it just doesnt give any content back.

The js I use is as following:

$('li.navItem a').click(function(){
    var url = $(this).attr('href');

    $('article').load(url + ' article', function(){
        $('article').fadeTo(1200, 1);

    return false;

the html of the dynamic part is as following, where the <article></article> part is supposed to act dynamicly.

<section id="content">
  <div id="article">
         content is in here

The solution given here on similar problems didnt fix the bug Anyone has any ideas?


Your URL looks like it would be badly formed.

url = "http://site.com/path/to/page"
load_url = url + ' article'
alert(load_url); // Displays "http://site.com/path/to/page article"

Is this what you really want?

Add .each(function(){...}); after .load , it should works in IE and Chrome.

        $('#<%=image1.ClientID %>').load(function () {
            //things to do
        }).each(function () {
            if (this.complete) $(this).load();

Probably the IE is making cache of your code.

See this post: jQuery's .load() not working in IE - but fine in Firefox, Chrome and Safari

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