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Adding New Admins to Active Admin

I am using devise for my users. I recently installed the rails Active Admin gem , everything is working beautifully.

However I can't figure out how to add a new admin users. I can see that active admin created an admin_user table in the db with a user admin@example.com, which I use to log in to the interface.

I tried adding admin_user as a resource so that I can just click the Add Admin User button within the active admin interface to add a new user, however that does not seem to work.


AdminUser.create!(:email => 'admin@example.com', :password => 'password', :password_confirmation => 'password')

What Brian said works, but if you want to set the password in the interface rather than have it send a reset email try this:

Leave the admin_user model at its original generated default, then in app/admin/admin_users.rb:

ActiveAdmin.register AdminUser do
  index do
    column :email
    column :current_sign_in_at
    column :last_sign_in_at
    column :sign_in_count

  form do |f|
    f.inputs "Admin Details" do
      f.input :email
      f.input :password
      f.input :password_confirmation
  1. login: admin@example.com password: password => login
  2. go to http://localhost:3000/admin/admin_users

If you want create users (devise users, table "users") in admin panel:

  1. $ rails generate active_admin:resource user
  2. app/admin/user.rb:

 ActiveAdmin.register User do permit_params :email, :name, :password, :password_confirmation index do column :name column :email actions end form do |f| f.inputs 'User' do f.input :name f.input :email f.input :password f.input :password_confirmation end f.actions end end 

这是新语法AdminUser.create!(email: "youremail@domain.com", password: "password123", password_confirmation: "password123")

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