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How can I combine multiple operator statements into one statement in PHP?

例如,我总是做类似if($word=='hi' || $word=='test' || $word=='blah'...事情if($word=='hi' || $word=='test' || $word=='blah'...这可能会变得很长。将这些语句组合成一个语句的方法?

The best way I can think of is using in_array() :

$possible = array('hi', 'test', 'blah');
if (in_array($word, $possible)) { ...


The short answer is no.

The long answer is: you can create an array of strings

$words = array('hi', 'test', 'blah');

and then do

if (array_search($word, $words) !== false) do smth.

If you have multiple exclusive conditions like that, switch syntax is pretty clean:

switch ($word) {
    case 'hi':
    case 'test':
    case 'blah':
        // Do something useful.

    // other conditions...


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