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How to extend config of different bundle in Symfony2?

I know I can overwrite templates or extend classes of other bundles. But can I extend also configs? I was hoping to be able to load other namespaces from config in DependenyInjection/AcmeExtension.php 's load method, but I haven't found anything about it anywhere.


I have AcmeBundle which defines following in config:

    a: 1

I want to extend this bundle (in new bundle called AwesomeAcmeBundle) and be able to define another variables either by adding them to original namespace:

    a: 1
    b: 2

or by wrapping original namespace to new one and adding new variables there:

    a: 1
    b: 2

I had similar needs and I have solved them in the following way:

1) Extend the parent's Configuration class


use DerpBundle\DependencyInjection\Configuration as BaseConfiguration;

class Configuration extends BaseConfiguration

    public function getConfigTreeBuilder()
        $treeBuilder = parent::getConfigTreeBuilder();

        //protected attribute access workaround
        $reflectedClass = new \ReflectionObject($treeBuilder);
        $property = $reflectedClass->getProperty("root");

        $rootNode = $property->getValue($treeBuilder);


        return $treeBuilder;

2) Create own extension that actually can handle the new configuration entries

class FooExtension extends Extension

    public function load(array $configs, ContainerBuilder $container)

        $configuration = new Configuration();
        $config = $this->processConfiguration($configuration, $configs);

        //custom parameters
        $container->setParameter('new_param_container_name', $config['new_param_name']);


3) in the app\\config\\config.yml you can use in your new foo attribute-set all the parameters that derp (as a parent bundle) has plus any of your new params that you have defined in the Configuration.php .

 - { resource: @YourBundle/Resources/config/services.yml }

If you're talking about the .yml s, you can import the AcmeBundle s confing in the AwesomeAcmeBundle config with

    - { resource: path/to/AcmeBundles/config.yml }

and then overwrite the parameters you want.

Symfony is doing the same in the config_dev.yml with the framework/router parameter.

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