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update php5 install

Good Day.

I'm running Debian php 5.2.6-1+lenny9. When I initially configured the server, I ran the apt-get with php5-mysql php5-gd, among other others.

Somehow I didn't install with php-curl and I need that library. So my question: If I just run

apt-get php5-curl

what's going to happen? I have live sites on the sever. Will this just recompile php5 with the added curl library, or will it basically give a fresh install with only curl and not mysql, and gd, etc.

apt-get install php5-curl will install binary packages, no compiling involved. It will also automatically restart apache so the new module will be available in your php scripts.

Oh, and if you are unsure about what you are doing, don't do it on a production system! Set up an additional Test server.

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