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ARC issue - cannot pass method to delegate?

Here's my scenario. I have a class A. Inside its implementation I create object of type B and set B's delegate to self (So B.delegate = self somewhere inside class A's implementation).

And class A has an instance method - (void)printThis;

Now inside B's implementation, when I try to do [delegate printThis]; , it gives me this error: "No known instance method for selector printThis"

Of course this is when I have enabled ARC. The above delegation pattern used to work fine in iOS 4.x without the ARC. And it still does when I switch OFF ARC. What has ARC got to do with passing messages to delegates?

Skeleton code:


@class B;

@interface A: blah blah
    B objB;

-(void) printThis;


objB = [[B alloc] init];
objB.delegate = self;

- (void)printThis {


@interface B: blah blah
    //id delegate; //used to be there, now I just property & synthesize

@property (nonatomic,weak) id delegate;


@synthesize delegate;

[delegate printThis]; //error with ARC ON, works with OFF


And mind you this happens for a method here and there. For instance I have a few other methods in A like printThat etc etc which work without errors. I'm clueless as to what is happening!

You need to define -printThis in a protocol and make A implement this protocol. You also need to mark the delegate as conforming to this delegate.


@protocol Printer <NSObject>

- (void)printThis;


@interface A : NSObject <Printer>

@interface B : //...

@property (nonatomic, weak) id<Printer> delegate;


ARC needs to know about the interface for method calls in order to properly manage the memory correctly. If there isn't a definition then it'll complain.

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