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Lua Equivalent for NumPy and SciPy?

I'm thinking of learning lua, i learned that it is a smaller language compared to python and has an efficient JIT compiler implementation in the form LuaJIT.

I would like to know is it possible to use lua the way i use python with Numpy+Scipy. further if Lua has numpy+scipy equivalent does it have a matplotlib equivalent?

numlua ,但由于它依赖于BLAS / LAPACK,FFTW和HDF5,LuaJIT本身不会给你带来任何性能提升。

还有别的东西,我发现类似于Scay + matplotlib的Lua,我不确定最后一个版本是如何在2011年1月发布的,它是GSL-shell它利用了GSL库并具有绘图功能,它更多像matlab比scipy + matplotlib。

I am authoring the Lunum project, which has no dependencies and can be used as a shared module or embedded in other C applications.

It's in active development, and used in serious physics research. It supports a good subset of the Numpy semantics. Array slicing will be ready in the next release.


I would also have a look at SciLua :

A complete framework for numerical computing based on LuaJIT which combines the ease of use of scripting languages (MATLAB, R, ...) with the high performance of compiled languages (C/C++, Fortran, ...).

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