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code igniter controller uri segment

i'm trying to get the segment depth that triggered the controller inside my controller.

for example: i have controllers/data/something.php

class Something extends CI_Controller {
    public function index()
        $depth = ???;   // should be 2

would load through www.domain.com/data/something

counting the segments would be irrelevant since i could go to: www.domain.com/data/something/anotherthing/

and still run the previous controller, but depth should remain 2

any idea how it can be done?

EDIT to clarify:

i want the depth of the part in the uri that triggered the controller (ignoring custom routing).

i don't want all the uri elements, since there could be more elements after the controller/method.

eg. domain.com/controller_name/method_name/param1/param2

only the first 2 parts of the segments triggered the controller

what i have so far is:

public function route_segments()
    $path = dirname(BASEPATH) . '/'. APPPATH;
    $request = substr(str_replace('\\','/',__FILE__), strlen($path) - strlen(EXT));
    $request = substr($request, strpos($request, '/'));
    $trigger_path = '';
    for ($i=1, $n = $this->uri->total_segments(); $i<=$n && $trigger_path != $request; $i++){
        $trigger_path .= '/'.$this->uri->segment($i);
    $route_segments = explode('/',trim($trigger_path,'/'));
    return count($route_segments);

problem is i don't want to use __FILE__ since i want it in a parent controller


added as an answer

i removed it from the post and added it as an answer:

after seeing @Jorge's comment suggesting to use CI routes, i found a simple solution:

private function get_route_depth()
    $route_segments = explode('/',trim($this->router->directory,'/'));
    return count($route_segments);

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