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For debugging is there a way to globally configure php5 to output the names of all user-defined functions as it executes them?

I'm looking for a global configuration setting or a way to globally instruct php5 to print out the names of user-defined functions when any user-defined function executes.

The tricky part is I'd like this to be something I could set in one place, not something that I'd have to manually add to each function.

The goal is to be able to look at a page's output, see an area of concern, enable this mystery mode I'm asking about, refresh the page and instantly see that the area of concern was output by a given php function named "whatever()".

Thanks for any ideas!

(note: I realize this would make a mess of your average php page's output - ie the html would render funny with a bunch of function names suddenly appearing everywhere. That's ok as I would only use this in development/debugging.)

You're looking for Xdebug , the standard debugging tool for PHP. You can set a breakpoint and get a regular stack trace (which is probably what you're looking for) and even a function trace which does, indeed, log all function calls, but it is probably overkill in this scenario.

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