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CakePHP-2.0: How can i check missing action/ missiong view for a controller?

If someone hits in the browser url bar with this http://mysite/users/unknownaction then i get error.

I want to catch that error and redirect to http://mysite/ .

How can i do this in CakePHP-2.0.

Create a file "app_error.php" on "app" folder.


  class AppError extends ErrorHandler {
    function error404($params, $messages) {
      $this->controller->redirect(array('controller'=>'welcome', 'action'=>'index'));


You can save error message on session flash before redirect.

When you are in production mode as Hugo suggests, missing URLs will throw a NotFoundException which, by default, generates a standard "404 Not found" page. If you wish to change this behavior, you will have to look at the documentation for handling exceptions in CakePHP 2.0 .

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