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Translate Delphi style ASM to English?

A recent Delphi project i've inherited has a procedure in ASM. I'm a complete ASM newbie, so i dont understand it. I've read up on the various ASM instructions to try and decipher the procedures flow, but i still dont get it.

Could someone with ASM experience assist my understanding and translate the following procedure to English (then i can translate back to Delphi so the code is easier to read in the future!!!)

The declaration of Mem1 is an array [0..15] of Byte; . And Mem2 is a LongInt .

Here's the procedure:

 procedure TForm1.XorMem(var Mem1; const Mem2; Count : Cardinal); register;
   push esi
   push edi

   mov  esi, eax         //esi = Mem1
   mov  edi, edx         //edi = Mem2

   push ecx              //save byte count
   shr  ecx, 2           //convert to dwords
   jz   @Continue

 @Loop1:                 //xor dwords at a time
   mov  eax, [edi]
   xor  [esi], eax
   add  esi, 4
   add  edi, 4
   dec  ecx
   jnz  @Loop1

 @Continue:              //handle remaining bytes (3 or less)
   pop  ecx
   and  ecx, 3
   jz   @Done

 @Loop2:                 //xor remaining bytes
   mov  al, [edi]
   xor  [esi], al
   inc  esi
   inc  edi
   dec  ecx
   jnz  @Loop2

   pop  edi
   pop  esi


edit: Thanks to Roman R i've converted the ASM back to Delphi

procedure TForm1.XorMem2(var Mem1; const Mem2 :LongInt; Count : Cardinal);
  Key : array [0..3] of byte absolute Mem1;
  Num : array [0..3] of byte absolute Mem2;
  idx : byte;
  for Idx := 0 to Count -1 do Key[idx] := Key[idx] Xor Num[idx];

The function accepts two pointers (to arrays whatever) and their lengths in bytes. The function performs byte-to-byte XOR operation on first array bytes (Mem1) using second array bytes (Mem2). Pseudo-code:

for Index = 0 to Count - 1
  (Mem1 as Byte Array) [Index] = (Mem1 as Byte Array) [Index] Xor (Mem2 as Byte Array) [Index]

Here is a working and simple pure pascal version:

procedure TForm1.XorMem(var Mem1; const Mem2; Count : Cardinal);
var i: integer;
    M1: TByteArray absolute Mem1;
    M2: TByteArray absolute Mem2;
  for i := 0 to Count-1 do
     M1[i] := M1[i] xor M2[i];

Here is an optimized version using DWORD reading:

procedure TForm1.XorMem(var Mem1; const Mem2; Count : Cardinal);
var i, n: integer;
    M1: TByteArray absolute Mem1;
    M2: TByteArray absolute Mem2;
    I1: TIntegerArray absolute Mem1;
    I2: TIntegerArray absolute Mem2;
  n := Count shr 2;
  for i := 0 to n-1 do
     I1[i] := I1[i] xor I2[i];
  n := n shl 2;
  for i := 0 to (Count and 3)-1 do
     M1[n+i] := M1[n+i] xor M2[n+i];

IMHO the 2nd version is not mandatory. Reading a DWORD at once makes sense if data is DWORD aligned. Otherwise, it can be effectively slower. For small amount of data, a small Delphi loop will be fast enough, and clear to read. Latest CPUs (like Core i5 or i7) make wonders when using a small code loop (unrolling a loop is not necessary any more).

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