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IBOutlet not connecting to uitableviewcell

I have a UITableView and I also have a UITableViewCell in my interface. Now I try to create an outlet for UITableViewCell in my class and I connect it to the interface the normal way anyone would. When i run it, it fails giving the error could not compile connection :

ibcocoatouchoutletconnection : 87q50w485w < IBProxyObject : 9u7-25whnsk> => UIViewTableViewCell => <IBUIViewTableCell>, where uiViewTableCell is the name for my IBoutlet.

I have been stuck with this for a while so any help would be appreciated. Theres hardly any help online for this error as well.

Are you declaring your property like this:

@property (nonatomic, retain) IBOutlet UITableViewCell *myTableViewCell

Looks like you are declaring it like IBUIViewTableCell .

You are Not need to connect Outlet For TableviewCell. Jsut GO To IB.

-> Click On TableviewCell

-> Go to Identity Inspector

-> In Class Property inseatd of Tableviewcell Choose Your CustomCell Calss Out there.

-> Now You Can Customize Your tableview Cell.

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