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RBAC or ACL, for private content?

Trying to build a micro-CMS (of sorts), which needs to dish out content ie images only, for the moment, to person logged in via a username/password.

Let's say there can be 10K such users, and each user has about 100-1K images in their own account, which no one else should be able to view. What would be the recommended approach to building such a system ?

My instincts tell me that ACL is the right approach, since the "roles" in my case are shared-nothing, so I'd have to create as many roles as users. Am I headed the right way ?

A special kind of role could be an 'owner-role'. This role applies when you own an object. An idea for implementation in client code:

if ($owner->isAllowed('view', $image) { do stuff }

The RBAC system:

// initiation of roles somewhere
$this->roles->add(new OwnerRole($user); }

// when called
$roles = $this->getRoles($user);
foreach ($roles as $role) {
     if ($role->isAllowed($user, $action, $object)) { return true; }

This means the owner-role must be able to check who owns the object:

class OwnerRole implements Role
    public function __construct(OwernChecker $ownerChecker) {
        $this->owerChecker = $ownerChecker;
    public function isAllowed(User $user, $action, $object) {
        if ($this->ownerChecker->userOwnsObject($user, $object)) etc

The ownerChecker object can be given mappings of how to check a user owns an object.

The following are recommended reading:

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