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Javascript file for only some views in Rails 3.1

在Rails 3.1中,什么是仅包含某些视图的javascript文件并将其从其他视图中排除的一种巧妙方法?

In the view you want the script,

<%- content_for :javascript do -%> 
  <script type="text/javascript"> ... </script>
<%- end -%>

An alternative to the above, I use a javascript_include_tag pointing to the js file for that script instead of using the tag so that I can keep all my javascript in one place.

<%- content_for :javascript do -%> 
  <%= javascript_include_tag "example.js" %>
<%- end -%>

In the layout for that view where you have your other javascript:

   <%= yield :javascript %>


<%= javascript_include_tag "name_of_js_file" %>

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