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How do I create storyboard segue from a view controller to itself?

Is it possible to create a storyboard segue from a view controller to itself? I have a bunch of Entities that have Related Entities. I'd like to be able to display a Related Entity using the same view controller that's displaying the Entity. But I can't seem to create a segue that will display a new instance of the origin view controller.

Is it just not allowed? Thanks!

Well here's a solution that isn't quite the same but gets me what I want. I found it as an answer to this question .

The reason I thought I had to use a segue rather than the good old programmatic push of a view controller onto the navigation controller's stack is that I had set up the view controller's IBOutlets in the storyboard. I didn't realize that you could create a copy of the view controller as laid out in the storyboard without using a storyboard segue. You can! To see how to do it, check out that other question and up vote the answerer!

You can ctrl-click-drag (or right-click-drag) from an element ( UIButton , etc.) to the containing view controller.

(Did you try this? I'm doing it right now; I have one stock UIViewController that just keeps adding itself indefinitely to the containing UINavigationController stack via a normal push segue.)

Yeah, it's annoying I can't do a 'manual' segue to itself.

What I did was added a UIButton to my view and gave it an action of push to the same view controller, and then made this button hidden. Then I can name the segue and reference it in the code.

Hacky, but works.

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