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start IE with no menu/address bar through command line in Windows

Is there a way to start IE with a bare window (not kiosk mode, needs to have the close button) through a command line option?

We have some pages in an internal web-app that needs alot of screen realestate and we only need the HMTL rendering of the browser not the other stuff.

I found http://www.quero.at/launcher.php but the last update is 5 years old.

How to remove IE toolbar and menu bar Similar question but no answer.

The best way to do it with .net is by console application with reference to the COM object of IE.

Instructions :

Create new console application in VS and reference to the Microsoft Internet Controls (SHDocVw) type library.

Example in c# :

SHDocVw.InternetExplorer ie = new SHDocVw.InternetExplorer();
ie.ToolBar = 0;
ie.AddressBar = false;
ie.Visible = true;

see more details at msdn: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa752084(v=vs.85).aspx

var ie = new ActiveXObject("InternetExplorer.Application");
ie.AddressBar = false;
ie.MenuBar = false;
ie.ToolBar = false;
// ... etc ... customize your heart out
ie.Visible = true;

create a small .net application with embed browser control in it, like a windows form with embedded Internet component on it.

check this out form more information## Heading ##


You could always just run an embedded instance of Internet Explorer in a window within your app. This way the container can be whatever size you specify in your own window and the embedded instance of IE can be any size you want with that, without any of the normal browser toolbars/menus.

If you mention what you are developing your app in, might be able to point you to some references.

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