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How to load an Entity from another Bundle on Symfony2

Let's say I have two Bundles :

  1. Compagny\\InterfaceBundle
  2. Compagny\\UserBundle

How can I load an Entity of UserBundle in the controller of InterfaceBundle ?

The Controller of my Compagny/InterfaceBundle :

// src/Compagny/InterfaceBundle/Controller/DefaultController.php

namespace Compagny\InterfaceBundle\Controller;
use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\Controller;
use Compagny\UserBundle\Entity; // I believed this line will do the trick, but it doesn't

class DefaultController extends Controller
    public function indexAction()
        $user = new User();

The Entity of my Compagny/UserBundle :


namespace Compagny\UserBundle\Entity

class User {
 public $name;
 public function setName($name) {
  // ...
 public function getName() {
  // ...

(Let's says for this example that the User class doesn't use Doctrine2, because it doesn't need to connect to the database).

// src/Compagny/InterfaceBundle/Controller/DefaultController.php

namespace Compagny\InterfaceBundle\Controller;
use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\Controller;
use Compagny\UserBundle\Entity\User; // It's not a trick, it's PHP 5.3 namespacing!

class DefaultController extends Controller
    public function indexAction()
        $user = new User();

You can of course, you are just using a class from another namespace. The fact that it is an entity is not important at all! You can of course query the entity manager for that entity as well.

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