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Method returns NSString as nil

I have method which builds NSString and returns it correctly. However if i call the same method from separate thread it returns nil even though my NSString is not nil in line with return.

I get request = nil in "getPhones" method.

"return request" in "createSelectPhonesRequest" ontains valid string.

"getXmlRow" actually builds the string.

+ (void)getUserPhones:(User *)user
    NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];

    [DataManager getPhones:user];

    [pool release];

+ (void)getPhones:(User*)user
    NSString *request = [XMLBuilder createSelectPhonesRequest:user.NickName];
    NSString *getAddressesResponce = [TrafficManager sendRequest:request];      

+(NSString*) createSelectPhonesRequest:(NSString*)nickName
    NSString *request;
    NSMutableArray *attributes;
    NSMutableArray *attributesValues;

    /*** root ***/
    attributes = [NSMutableArray new];
    attributesValues = [NSMutableArray new];

    [attributes addObject:xmlAt.time];
    [attributesValues addObject:[NSDate getXmlFormattedDateFromCurrentDate]];
    [attributes addObject:xmlAt.action];    
    [attributesValues addObject:xmlAV.selectPhones];

    request = [XMLBuilder getXmlRow:xmlEl.envelop 
    [attributes release];
    [attributesValues release];

    return request;

+(NSString*) getXmlRow:(NSString*)element 

    //open tag
    NSString* xmlRow = @"<";    
    xmlRow = [xmlRow stringByAppendingString:element];
    if (attributes && attributesValues)
        for (int i=0; i<[attributes count]; i++)
            NSString *attribute = (NSString*) [attributes objectAtIndex:i];
            NSString *attributeValue = (NSString*) [attributesValues objectAtIndex:i];

            xmlRow = [xmlRow stringByAppendingString:@" "];
            xmlRow = [xmlRow stringByAppendingString:(attribute)];      
            xmlRow = [xmlRow stringByAppendingString:@"=\""];
            xmlRow = [xmlRow stringByAppendingString:attributeValue];       
            xmlRow = [xmlRow stringByAppendingString:@"\""];
    //end tag
    xmlRow = [xmlRow stringByAppendingString:@">"];
    if (value != nil)
        xmlRow = [xmlRow stringByAppendingString:value];
    //close tag
    if (close)
        xmlRow = [xmlRow stringByAppendingString:[self closeElement:element]];
    return xmlRow;

I suspect that you have not created autorelease pool for the thread. Every thread must have it's own autorelease pool.


NSString *myString = [NSString stringWithString:@"Hello"];

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