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JS SDK apprequest security

To invite friend to my app, as far as I know, the only way is to use JS SDK, with FB.ui and apprequests dialog. Thats fine.

Lets think about scenario - my FB game allows user to invite their friends and grant them (the friends) with some item. Based of level, name, random, whatever. There is data parameter I can use while calling the dialog. It looks like the place where I can store information about what kind of item is to be given. But..what stops users from tampering with this data? Of course, I can try some cryptographic and so on, but still, its variable fully visible to user. Am I missing something? How given scenario can be solved in secure way?

You could set a code as the parameter to be sent, which you save on your server/database against that specific user. Then when the request is redeemed, check that the user has that code assigned to them. If they don't, you know it has been tampered.

@Abby is correct - store your request data in your database - the apprequest feature of the JS SDK has a callback containing information about the invite - store this and cross-reference the data when the user accepts the invite. The user might be able to tamper with the data on the Javascript level - but (I hope) he cant tamper with the data in your database. :)

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