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how to set ms-access combo box selected index

In my MS Access project I need to set selected index of a combobox using VBA. I used the syntax below to select the first item.

Application.CommandBars("MainMenu").Controls("Country").SelectedValue = "US"

After use the above syntax I get the error ”Object does not support this property or method”


I need help to setting the combo box selected item

 Me.fromDate = Me.fromDate.ItemData(0)    'Get first item and set that to the selected value
 Me.toDate = Me.toDate.ItemData(Me.toDate.ListCount - 1) 'Get last item and set that to the selected value


Me!cboTest = "US"

Hope Bellow syntax solve problem

Just use the combo.ListIndex=ComboBoxIndex

In Access 2013 ListIndex is readonly. You can change the value of the combobox as suggested above. When you do so, the ListIndex is modified by Access but it won't point to the row you used. I've not found any information on how to select a row and have the ListIndex point to that row after selection. The only solution I can come up with is to keep static variables around that I maintain to keep track of what is really selected.

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