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Unable to access attribute after fetch

I am testing some code in my web console (using coffescript)

@user = new Onethingaday.Models.User()
@user.url= "/users/#{current_user.get('nickname')}.json?id_type=nickname"

The console.log(@user) line shows the following: 在此输入图像描述

However, console.log(@user.get("facebook_id")) shows undefined .

I see that user has the facebook_id attribute. How do I retrieve the value of it?

This looks like a timing issue, albeit an odd one. fetch is asynchronous; you need to wait until its success callback is called before trying to access any attributes.

Try this:

@user.fetch success: =>

It's confusing that the first console.log would show user.attributes.facebook_id existing and the second wouldn't, but console.log is itself asynchronous in Webkit's implementation, so what's going on is that the @user.get call is being resolved immediately (synchronously), whereas the object inspection in the first console.log is resolving later—after the fetch completed.

It looks like facebook_id is a property of the attributes property of the @user object. If that's the case, I'd think the following would work:


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