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how to pass a value from a gridview to javascript function

Hi this is my row in gridview in ASP.Net

<a id="aOpen" onclick="javascript:Open(<%#((DataRowView)Container.DataItem)['DocTypeCode'] %>)" >A_<%#((DataRowView)Container.DataItem)["Id"] %></a>

Here is my javascript

<script type="text/javascript">
function Open(var id) {
        var strPageURL = '<%= ResolveClientUrl("~/View.aspx?id="+id) %>';
        OpenCustomDialogWithRefresh(strPageURL, 750, 500, "View Document Type");
        return true;

I would like to pass the Id value from the gridview to the javascript and open a new page with query string. How should I try ? Mine does not work.

I think you want simply:

<%# Eval("DocTypeCode") %>

onclick='javascript:Open(<%# Eval("DocTypeCode") %>)" >A_<%# Eval("Id") %></a>

Also note that this

<a id="aOpen"

is a huge problem, since all dom elements must have unique ids

I think you should try this below code:

onclick="javascript:Open('<%#Eval("DocTypeCode") %>')"

is a syntax problem, I should add the character ''

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