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How to detect if browser support specified css pseudo-class?

What's concept of detecting support of any css pseudo-class in browser through JavaScript? Exactly, I want to check if user's browser supports :checked pseudo-class or not, because I've made some CSS-popups with checkboxes and needs to do fallbacks for old browsers.

ANSWER: I'm found already implemented method of testing css selectors in a Modernizr "Additional Tests" .

stylesheet.insertRule(rule, index) method will throw error if the rule is invalid. so we can use it.

var support_pseudo = function (){
    var ss = document.styleSheets[0];
        var el = document.createElement('style');
        ss = document.styleSheets[0];
    return function (pseudo_class){
                pseudo_class = ':'+pseudo_class;
            return true;
            return false;

support_pseudo(':hover'); //true
support_pseudo(':before'); //true
support_pseudo(':hello'); //false
support_pseudo(':world'); //false

You can simply check if your style with pseudo-class was applied.

Something like this: http://jsfiddle.net/qPmT2/1/

For anyone still looking for a quick solution to this problem, I cribbed together something based on a few of the other answers in this thread. My goal was to make it succinct.

function supportsSelector (selector) {
  const style = document.createElement('style')
  try {
    style.sheet.insertRule(selector + '{}', 0)
  } catch (e) {
    return false
  } finally {
  return true

supportsSelector(':hover') // true
supportsSelector(':fake') // false

如果您可以使用 Javascript,则可以跳过检测并直接使用 shim: Selectivizr

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