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I accidentally deleted the XIB file - how do I fix this?

I made a mistake and deleted the XIB by accident. The application still works, but I can't see or edit the XIB file. How do I recreate or find the XIB?

Use source code version control (SVN or GIT) next time, and put the xibs under version control. Periodic backups (such as Time Machine) might also be helpful.

I sounds like the compiled xib (= the nib file) is still around in your build folder, if you clean your project that'll be gone too.

Unless you have a backup (always make backups!) there's not much you can do at this point. You could try and search for the nib, then try to decompile it (I've never done that, I don't know how good the result would be), but that's probably going to be more work than just starting from scratch.

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