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Debug navigation in xcode: How do you navigate to the current cursor position?

While debugging in xcode: How do you navigate to the current cursor position. This is really easy in Visual Studio, using the debug button in the top menu. Something similar must be possible in xcode. But how?

It's also easy in Xcode, extracted from documentation :

"To continue execution to a specific line of code, hold the pointer over the gutter next to the target code line until the continue-to-here icon appears, then click the icon."


Edit :

You can simply click on the latest method presented in the debug bar (the screen show the thread, but you can directly click on the stack) : Xcode的调试吧

From the Xcode guide : http://developer.apple.com/library/mac/documentation/ToolsLanguages/Conceptual/Xcode4UserGuide/Debugging/Debugging.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40010215-CH3-SW27

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