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Using spine.js with haml

currently I'm playing a little bit with spine.js I have red the documentation about views and there they have shown an example with eco as templating engine. Until now i don't really like the eco engine. I would prefer to use haml as my templating engine.

Is there a way to add support for haml in spine.js?

Until now i tried to add https://github.com/uglyog/clientside-haml-js in my index.html and then i was able to compile haml templates, in my controller, to html.

But it is not possible to load the templates in the same way as it works wit the eco files.

So how can I integrate haml into spine.js?

Use hem-haml-coffee .

I recently added jhaml support as an equivalent to jeco.

解决方案是将slug.js文件添加到包含相关内容的应用程序中,您将在此处找到更详细的解决方案: https ://groups.google.com/group/spinejs/browse_thread/thread/d951e77db33d084a

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