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Javascript function with a callback that passes the initiated object as a parameter

I am trying to extend some existing functionality so it has a callback function that passes the original object as a parameter, or at least any public variables that is stored in a smaller object, how can I achieve this?

This is a simplified version of the file I am working with, a class would be contained in a variable


var foo = new Foo ({
    onComplete: function(){
        alert("complete " + total);


The function / class looks similar to this

function Foo(options) {
    // private
    var number1_ = options.arg1;
    var number2_ = 10;
    var total_ = number1_ + number2_;

    // public
    this.total = total_;

    (function Foo() {
        if (options) {
            if (options.onComplete && typeof (options.onComplete) === "function") {

                // how do I pass Foo or an object of selected variables here?


(function Magazine() {
    if (options) {
        if (options.onComplete && typeof (options.onComplete) === "function") {

            // if you want `this === the foo instance` in the function:
            // otherwise just pass it as an argument:

Check this out :)

function Foo(options) {
    // private
    var number1_ = options.arg1,
        number2_ = 10,
        total_ = number1_ + number2_;
    // public
    this.total = total_;

    (function Magazine( that ) {

        (options.onComplete || function(){}).call( that );


var foo = new Foo({
    arg1: 1,
    onComplete: function() {

        alert("complete " + this.total);

Live demo: http://jsfiddle.net/P3bzM/


var foo = new Foo ({
    onComplete: function(total){
        alert("complete " + total);


function Foo(options) {
    // private
    var number1_ = options.arg1;
    var number2_ = 10;
    var total_ = number1_ + number2_;

    // public
    this.total = total_;

    (function Magazine() {
        if (options) {
            if (options.onComplete && typeof (options.onComplete) === "function") {

                // how do I pass Foo or an object of selected variables here?

Look for word "total" to see the changes.

You've got several ways to achieve this.

  1. Simply add parameters when calling your callback:

     if (options.onComplete && typeof (options.onComplete) === "function") { // how do I pass Foo or an object of selected variables here? options.onComplete(this.number1_, this.number2_, this.total_); } 
  2. Use .call() or .apply() javascript method to set the context of the callback (what will be this within the callback)

     if (options.onComplete && typeof (options.onComplete) === "function") { // how do I pass Foo or an object of selected variables here? options.onComplete.apply(this); // options.onComplete.call(this); } 

    Both methods works the same way, they simply differ in the way you pass arguments to the method. Read this to get more info

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